Gandarusa Powder 100 capsules

Manufacturer Herbal Alami

Sales price Rp450000
Price / kg:


Contens : 100 capsules @ 500 mg powder Justicia gendarussa L.

Extract powder color on one bottle can be different with another bottle.
That is natural gandarusa leaf color when picked.
Picked in summer different color with picked in rainy season.
Price : $30 USD / bottle (Shipping costs depend on your country location).

We Do Not Ship to European countries.


***We only sell Pure Powder and Original from Indonesia since 2011***

The following article is quoted from the internet and this is just for information. Before you buy this product, please read and understand Terms of Service and Disclaimer available on this website.

On the remote Indonesian Island of Papua - Indonesia, tribesmen have long noticed the curious effect of a shrub called “Gandarusa.”
If you chew its leaves often enough, men say, your wife won’t get pregnant.
Indonesian scientists, who have transferred this folk method from the jungle to the lab, claim they can extract the shrub’s active ingredient and mass produce it as an over-the-counter pill.
If they’re right, they will accomplish what Western pharmaceutical giants have researched but failed to deliver for decades: a birth control pill for men.
“With luck, it could be released late this year, but it will probably be sold in stores early next year,” said Sugiri Syarief, the head of Indonesia’s state-run National Family Planning Coordination Board.
Researchers began analyzing Gandarusa in 1988, Sugiri said. Animal and human trials began in the 1990s and the plant’s effective compound was patented in 2007.
According to a government report on the drug, it prevents pregnancy by slowing down the activity of certain enzymes in the sperm that help them wriggle into a female’s ovum.
Researchers have tested the pill on two waves of male volunteers: first 36 men, then 120 men. This year, they’ll conduct a 350-man study to reinforce their findings so far: that trial volunteers’ sperm remains healthy but unable to penetrate a woman’s egg.
Sugiri said. “There are no side effects,” he said, though his study notes that some men experienced a boosted sex drive.
How did a far-less developed nation beat the Western world to this breakthrough? And for only $226,000, the amount Sugiri estimates his agency has spent on the project?
Bio-diversity deserves some credit. Indonesia is a lush and fertile archipelago, home to the world’s fourth-largest population and an estimated 7,000 medicinal plants. Potential benefits derived from this diverse range of flora are constantly undergoing study.




Justicia Gendarussa: Effective At Inhibiting HIV Virus

New research, published in the Journal of Natural Products, has found a plant compound that may be more effective at inhibiting spread of HIV virus.

Although there is yet no cure for HIV, the chemical compound, called “patentiflorin A” derived from a medicinal plant found in East Asia: Justicia gendarussa significantly slows down the progression of the virus. Since 1987, however – the year in which AZT (Azidothymidine) was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – the virus has adapted to the drug. Today, HIV patients are given a combination of various drugs, of which AZT is often still the main component.

Justicia gendarussa, commonly known as willow-leaved justicia is a small erect, branched shrub. It has been described as rare and endemic to E. Asia.

Health Benefits: 

The leaves and young shoots are antiperiodic, antispasmodic, cardiotonic, carminative, diaphoretic, emetic and febrifuge. A decoction is used in the treatment of chronic rheumatism. An infusion of the leaves is taken internally in the treatment of a wide range of conditions including pains in the head, paralysis of one side of the body and facial paralysis; lumbago, amenorrhoea, swellings, fevers, coughs, asthma, colics, eczema, cephalalgia, hemiplegia, facial paralysis, earache and hemicrania. The leaves are also used in preparations to treat gonorrhoea, amenorrhoea and malaria.

The leaf juice is applied topically in the treatment of earache. The fresh leaves are applied topically as a treatment for oedema and swellings due to beri-beri and rheumatism; to relieve headaches and pains. A decoction is used for bathing during and after childbirth.


The bitter root is anodyne, diaphoretic, diuretic and laxative. It is used for treating rheumatism, thrush, fevers, cough, dysuria, diarrhoea, jaundice and as antivenin.

The root bark is antiamoebic, antitussive, diuretic, emetic and febrifuge. It is used in the treatment of wounds. The dried leaves are used to repel insects from clothing.

The plant has shown promise as a source of a compound that inhibits an enzyme crucial to the development of HIV.

Patentiflorin A inhibits HIV ‘much more effectively’ than AZT

Justicia Gendarussa: Effective at Inhibiting HIV Virus

According to Prof. Rong and colleagues, after selecting Justicia from a pool of more than 4,500 plants it was observed that the extracts of the stems and roots of this plant using bioassay-guided isolation – which is the most common procedure for separating extracted compounds based on their biological activity -it was found the “anti-HIV arylnaphthalene lignan glycoside” component is patentiflorin A.

Patentiflorin A was able to inhibit the action of reverse transcriptase much more effectively than AZT, and was able to do this both in the earliest stages of HIV infection when the virus enters macrophage cells, and alter infection when it is present in T cells of the immune system,” Prof. Rong explains.

Patentiflorin A represents a novel anti-HIV agent that can be added to the current anti-HIV drug cocktail regimens to increase suppression of the virus and prevention of AIDS.



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Help the process of treatment.








